Note: DCCC is not currently taking new members or functioning as a cookbook club. In the hope that the sign-up form I developed for DCCC might be of use to anyone thinking of starting up their own club, I have left the following in place on this site as a resource.

Thank you for your interest in joining DCCC. To learn about the benefits of
joining the club, see “Membership Benefits” under the Club Folder. To join the
club, please fill out the membership form below. Please submit your full name in
the first field. If you do not want your full name used in your member profile,
please let me know your preference—first name only, first initial and last name,
etc.—in the message field at the bottom of this form.

If you would like to include a profile photograph, please send it to:

I accept only JPG or PNG format. And please write “profile photo” in the subject line. Thanks!

    Your Name (required)

    Your City/Town and State (required)

    Your Country (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Your Phone

    Your Website

    For the “Members’ Wishlist,” under Book List, please list up to three
    cookbooks that you would like the club to consider for the bimonthly
    cookbook choice. Please list them in descending order of preference.
    You can change them anytime you like.

    What are your general cooking/baking interests?

    What are your specific food/subject interests? What do you hope
    to learn in the cookbook club? Do you have specific cooking goals
    you’d like to work on? For example, is there a particular technique,
    method or dish that you’d like to perfect?

    List two or three cuisines, either foreign and/or regional American
    cuisines, that you're most interested in learning about.

    List your current favorite (one or two) food or food-themed films.

    Your Message:
